Nederlandse Modelbouw en Luchtvaartsite

Dutch Modelling and Aviation

In Memoriam

Klaas Willem Jonker
† April 30, 2018

On Monday 30 April 2018, Wilko Jonker died after a long illness at the age of 58. He leaves behind a wife and two children. The Dutch military aviation and plastic modeling were his hobby and on this website he shared all the knowledge he has collected over the years. His hobby has been able to distract him from the persistent disease in his body until the last week of his life. The contacts with other hobbyists were a major support for him.

This website will be maintained by different people for as long as possible, so that other enthusiasts can continue to benefit from extensive content.

Republic RF-84F Thunderflash

Scale 1/72

  • Italeri
    • Kit 108: It is a rather good kit of the same quality as the Thunderstreak kit of the same firm.
      Alas the model lack the machine gun in the wing root. The cockpit is rather bare and you'll have to add as much detail as you think is necessary.
      For an early version you need to remove the chute housing and add a fin of plastic card. This fin is of the same on the Thunderjet.
      Also the canopy is to wide and needs to be corrected.
  • PJ Productions
    • Kit 72-1023: a nice resin model
Republic RF 84F Thunderflash 306 Sqn Recon AKleijn
A model of a Republic RF-84F Thunderflash, the Italeri kit, built by Adri Kleijn.


Modelling add-on

Most sets are desinged for the Thunderstreak, but can also be (partly) used for the Thunderflash.

  • Airwaves
    • C72134: Detailing set F84F Thunderstreak/Flash Air-brakes.


  • Dutch Decal
    • set 72012: Besides several Dutch Thunderstreaks a camouflaged Thunderflash can be built with this set [Alas this set is no longer available].
  • FlevoDecal
    • set 72032: Set with decals for aircraft (RT-33, RF-84F and also F-84E) of the Dutch 306 Recce Squadron.

Scale 1/48

  • Heller
    • Kit 4802 / 80417: This kit is of rather good quality, its dimensions are quite right.

Modelling add-on

Most sets are desinged for the Thunderstreak, but can also be (partly) used for the Thunderflash.

  • Reheat
    • RH096: Etched parts in 1/48th scale for the Heller kit.


  • Dutch Decal
    • Set 48010: F84F Thunderstreak of 311, 312, 315 Squadron and RF 84F Thunderflash of 306 Squadron
  • Experts Choice
    • Set EC4802: Decals for a RF-84F/K Thunderflash of the US Air National Guard