Nederlandse Modelbouw en Luchtvaartsite

Dutch Modelling and Aviation

In Memoriam

Klaas Willem Jonker
† April 30, 2018

On Monday 30 April 2018, Wilko Jonker died after a long illness at the age of 58. He leaves behind a wife and two children. The Dutch military aviation and plastic modeling were his hobby and on this website he shared all the knowledge he has collected over the years. His hobby has been able to distract him from the persistent disease in his body until the last week of his life. The contacts with other hobbyists were a major support for him.

This website will be maintained by different people for as long as possible, so that other enthusiasts can continue to benefit from extensive content.

Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon


Maintenance Manual Lockheed PV2 Harpoon        
Diverse gedenkboeken MLD, Alle Hens etc.        
Dutch Military Aviation 1945-1978 Paul A. Jackson Pag. 89 1978 Uitgever: Midland Countries Publications, Leicester
Nederlandse Marinevliegtuigen Thijs Postma & Nico Geldhof Pag. 56 1978 Uitgever: Omniboek, 's Gravenhage
Vliegen voor de Vloot; 70 jaar Marineluchtvaartdienst Harm J. Hazewinkel Pag. 41   Uitgever: Rebo Produkties, Sassenheim
Zestig jaar Marineluchtvaartdienst in Beeld. Hugo Hooftman Pag. 108 - 109 1977 Uitgever: Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel
Aircraft Number 48 PV-1 Ventura in action. Charles L. Scrivner & Captain USN (ret) W.E. Scarborough, Pag. 39 - 49 1981 Uitgever: Squadron/Signal Publications Inc., Carrolton, Texas
Scale Aircraft modeling Vol. 9, nr. 10 July 1987 J.Howard Pag. 464 - 468 1987  
Lockheed Aircraft since 1913 René J. Francillon   1987 Putnam
Air Enthusiast 40: Latin Harpoons Canongia Lopez, Eng Mario Pag. 31 - 42 1989 Uitgever: Tri-Service Press, Bromley, Kent
Vliegtuigsquadrons 320 en 321 50 jaar P. Staal & Peter Baeten Pag. 59 1990 Uitgever: Afdeling Maritieme Historie van Min.v.Def., 's Gravenhage
Luchtvaartwereld; 9e jaargang nummer 12: Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon. (deel 2) Nico Geldhof Pag. 69 - 99 1992 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaartwereld; 9e jaargang nummer 1: Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon. Nico Geldhof Pag. 60 - 66 1992 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Nederlandse Militaire Luchtvaart IX: Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon Nico Geldhof Pag. 1992 Uitgever: St. Vrienden v.h. Mil. Luchtv. Museum, Soesterberg
85 JAAR Marineluchtvaartdienst in beeld Van Farman tot NH 90 Helikopter Peter Korbee Pag. 106 - 107 2002 Uitgever: Korbee MLD Promotie, Valkenburg





Thanks to mr. M. Schönfeld for sharing his experiences with the Harpoon models.