Nederlandse Modelbouw en Luchtvaartsite
Dutch Modelling and Aviation
Fairey IIID
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In 1925 four aircraft of this type were bought and transferred to Naval Air station De Mok.
In 1926 they were moved to the Netherlands East Indies to be stationed on board of cruisers.
The Fairey IIID was built out of wood and linen and this construction proofed to be rather vulnerable under tropical conditions, so soon the aircraft were withdrawn from use.
Vooraanzicht Fairey IIID.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Fairey IIID gereed om aan boord te worden genomen.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Fairey IIID F-1 in de takels.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]